Discover ADAS: Radar and Camera Calibration Kit
Solutions for the diagnosis and calibration of driver assistance systems

Specialists in the control of ADAS
Designed to guarantee safety and comfort while driving, the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are ever more common in latest-generation vehicles.
Cameras, radars, LIDARs and sensors must be recalibrated when replaced, but even when actions that affect them are required, such as: replacing the windscreen and bumper, repairing the suspensions, aligning the wheels, changing the tyres, replacing the engine control unit, etc..
Knowing how to intervene in this field is strategical to keep pace with the times and be able to offer customers first class assistance.
A complete 360-degree offer
impossible to do without
TEXA helps repair professionals operate on these sophisticated active safety devices, with a complete multibrand offer that includes:
TEXA’s solutions allow performing static and dynamic calibrations and resetting the ADAS correctly, guaranteeing the safety of the drivers and of who carries out the diagnosis and calibrations.

The IDC5 software
guides mechanics step-by-step throughout all the phases, thanks to the helps sheets specifically developed for each vehicle, offering a very wide CAR, TRUCK and BIKE coverage, at least 30% higher compared to other solutions on the market.

Per conoscere ogni segreto dei sistemi ADAS, inoltre, sono disponibili due corsi specialistici, D9C e D9T, sviluppati da TEXAEDU.

Direct line with the expert
In case of any doubt or question on the calibration procedures, TEXA offers an ADAS Call Center line: a quick, competent and accurate contact to respond to any need. The service is included in the subscription to TEX@INFO Car Call Center*.
* Service currently available for the Italian market
Easy to use, precise and reliable
For the calibration of radars, lidars, cameras and sensors, TEXA has designed and engineered RCCS 3 EVO, a top of-the-range solution that includes the best production technology and exceptional components.
The version allows a wide range of possibilities of use: it can be used with the toe and thrust axis check kit, or in optical alignment mode. The Bluetooth distance measurers, which can communicate directly with the IDC5 software, make sure the unit is positioned properly by means of a guided procedure.
Thanks to the great ease of use and accuracy of the RCCS 3 EVO system, you can work in an even more simple and precise way guaranteeing the accuracy of the final result and maximum safety both for the driver and for the technician performing the calibrations.

the digital innovation for calibrating ADAS

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that it does not deform nor resize the images.
This way workshops are sure to operate in the most proper and safe way, without risking to alter the vehicle’s behaviour on the road.
Thanks to continuous software updates that each time offer new vehicles and eventually new panels, and to the essential help sheets edited per make and model, users are sure to complete any operation with maximum precision and to the highest standards, relying on an extraordinary coverage.
1:1 proportion ratio
Easy to use
Intelligence and safety
thanks to the Mini “on-board” PC

An actual Mini PC built into the unit, installed in the version RCCS 3 EVO with Monitor, guarantees the use of an intelligent system that synchronises the ICD5 software and the TEXA unit perfectly.

The images of the panels are transmitted and positioned automatically, based on the vehicle selection made. They are displayed through a linear, safe and quick process.
Adjustments and movements
precise, simple and quick
RCCS 3 EVO is made up by a very robust main support, which height can be adjusted thanks to its electrical operation. Using practical knobs, it can be easily tilted to the side and forward.
Furthermore, a knob allows even millimetric side movements. There is another laser level at the top of the unit that is useful for locating the centre of the vehicle simply by pointing at its front logo.
The horizontal adjustment bar is equipped with two distance measurers and a reflecting plate, the latter with a central laser for the front radar’s aiming.
RCCS 3 EVO is much easier to move around the workshop thanks to its new oversized castor wheels.
This technological equipment allows positioning RCCS 3 EVO and aligning it correctly with respect to the vehicle and to the ground easily, with absolute precision and in complete safety.
Absolute accuracy
a complete, turnkey job
Before any calibration, other than verifying the alignment of RCCS 3 EVO with respect to the vehicle, it is important to also check the ride height of the vehicle you are working on.
To this end, in order to offer an even more complete and professional service, RCCS 3 EVO, can be equipped with four CCD electronic detectors that can be installed either on the wheels, using the rimclamping system, or on the sides of the horizontal adjustment bar.
The lightness of the detectors and the absence of connection cables between the front and the back, confer maximum practicality and absolute accuracy when measuring the vehicle angles.
Truly a complete, turnkey job.
An ad-hoc solution
for wheel alignment and toe

The high accuracy when checking the vehicle ride height is also guaranteed by the use of the TOE AND THRUST ANGLE CHECK, the software application that allows carrying out two types of operations:
- a quick check of the alignment of RCCS 3 EVO with respect to the vehicle’s thrust angle and to the workshop’s floor;
- checking the wheel toe.
These procedures are essential for preparing the vehicle for the following camera and/or radar calibration phase.
How it works
The operator first fits the four CCD detectors to the wheels and checks wheel alignment. He then removes the CCD sensors from the front wheels and mounts them on the RCCS 3 EVO’s adjustment bar to align the structure correctly with respect to the vehicle’s thrust line (referred to the back axle).
Below there is a practical example of unit alignment and wheel toe using the dedicated software:
Very performing
even with the optical alignment
Other than the version with toe and thrust axis check, RCCS 3 EVO is also available in the highly performing optical alignment mode. This configuration uses wheel clamps and was designed to complete all the operations on radars and cameras in a quick and precise way.

Latest generation laser technology
The Bluetooth distance measurers provided by TEXA are the ideal solution to meet the most severe professional and precision criteria requested by workshops worldwide.

Positioning with Bluetooth distance measurers
A new guided procedure

Thanks to a clear and precise messaging system all the vehicle preparation phases are extremely easy and quick.
The POSITIONER management software will guide the operator step by step to position the RCCS 3 EVO unit safely.
Below there is a practical example of positioning the unit using the dedicated software:
With the IDC5 software
all the information
to support all
CCS 2 Dynamics is the transportable solution by TEXA for the calibration of cameras on cars, light commercial vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles. CCS 2 Dynamics is characterised for being compact, stable, easily disassembled and transported in a small-sized van. CCS 2 Dynamics can be configured in two versions dedicated to the CAR and TRUCK environments with specific accessories.
The Bluetooth distance measurers, capable of communicating directly with the IDC5 software, guarantee a correct positioning through a guided procedure.
CCS 2 Dynamics is equipped with four castor wheels that guarantee a fast positioning, and it can be stabilised thanks to its practical feet. In the CAR configuration it can be adjusted in height, longitudinally and horizontally.
In the TRUCK version, it can be adjusted horizontally and axially.
The CAR configuration can be completed with two alignment modes: optical, by purchasing clamps, selecting between the tyre or rim version or based on the thrust axis, in combination with the toe and thrust axis check kit. The configuration can be quickly and easily changed even after purchasing the unit.
For camera calibrations, TEXA offers a large range of specific targets and accessories that can be perfectly integrated with RCCS and CCS.
CCS 2 Dynamics CAR
The unit can be adjusted in height, is equipped with four castor wheels for a quick positioning and can be stabilised by acting on its adjustable feet. It features longitudinal and transverse adjustment.
The CAR configuration can be completed with two alignment modes: optical alignment, by purchasing clamps, selecting between the tyre or rim version and alignment based on the thrust axis, in combination with the toe and thrust axis check kit.
CCS 2 Dynamics TRUCK
With the TRUCK configuration, CCS 2 Dynamics allows intervening in the calibration of LCV and TRUCK cameras
completely, extremely easily and precisely.
Even in this case the unit has different types of height adjustments, transverse and axial.
Furthermore, it is equipped with 4 floating castors for a quick positioning and can be stabilised thanks to practical
adjustable feet.
The TEXA device has been specifically designed for the motorcycle manufacturers that equip their vehicles with rider assistance systems. It is an innovative tool that aims at ensuring the utmost accuracy when calibrating the radar systems.
The solution includes adjustable stands, mounting brackets and laser pointers, thus making up an advanced system that provides a complete package to carry out the calibration of the ARAS in a quick, precise and safe manner.
the multi-brand kit for the calibration of cameras

CCS (Camera Calibration System) is designed to create the best combination according to your operational needs. It is made up by a robust support on which the several panels divided by make are to be positioned.
CCS can also be used with a graduated mat and two supports to centre the wheel axle through laser levels.
The manufacturing features of the Kit make it a basic solution that is extremely easy to use, handy and easy to carry, even outside the workshop.
CCS is perfect for those technicians who cannot permanently dedicate an area of their workshop only to the calibration of cameras: in fact, once the operations on one or several vehicles are complete, all the equipment can be disassembled and easily stored in a small space.
A large range of accessories
for a complete solution
TEXA’s ADAS solutions can be used in combination with other optional devices to work in depth on other electronic driver assistance systems, among which:

ACS (All Around Calibration System)
ACS (All Around Calibration System)
It is made up by an aluminium structure that has two horizontal panels and two vertical magnetic boards.
The base has three housings for three distance measurers dedicated to verifying the correct alignment with respect to the vehicle.
TEXA’s solution is featured by a great practicality being equipped with wheels that allow moving quickly within the workshop.
* The rear and side radars can be calibrated using the TEXA Doppler Simulator.

Doppler Simulator
Doppler Simulator
However, in this case it is an active simulator that responds to the frequency generated by the rear radar in MAZDA and VAG Group vehicles.

IR Calibration Target e Night Vision System
IR Calibration Target e Night Vision System
It is an essential device from the point of view of road safety, which helps drivers detect in advance people or animals in the dark.
Positioned in front of the vehicle, the IR Calibration Target and Night Vision System simulate the presence of a warm body.

Blind spot radar reflector
Blind spot radar reflector
It is made up by a metal reflector cone, a laser and a goniometer jig to help the technician position the pyramid cone correctly.
It can be used both for the front radars and for the side and rear radars.

360° mats for TOYOTA, LEXUS, SCION, SUZUKI and KIA
Calibration panels and accessories

Prodotto da inserire all’interno del sistema per diagnosi e calibrazione ADAS. Verificare con il proprio rivenditore TEXA di fiducia le modalità di accesso al Nuovo Piano Industria 4.0
Formazione specifica
per il mondo degli ADAS
Offrire formazione ai propri clienti è particolarmente importante per TEXA. La competenza tecnica, e il conseguente corretto utilizzo degli strumenti diagnostici, sono oggi fattori critici di successo per l’attività di autoriparazione.
La metodologia didattica dei corsi si basa su un corretto mix tra apprendimento teorico ed esercitazioni pratiche su veicoli.
Quest’ultima è di fondamentale importanza, perché completa le prove e le simulazioni con la strumentazione diagnostica TEXA in possesso dell’autoriparatore, stimolando una partecipazione più attiva e dinamica ed un apprendimento maggiore.

Conoscere le caratteristiche tecniche e le modalità di funzionamento dei sistemi avanzati di supporto alla guida e le modalità di funzionamento, la posizione e le funzionalità delle tecnologie coinvolte RADAR, LIDAR, telecamera, camera a infrarossi, sensori a ultrasuoni.
Sapere il principio di funzionamento dei sistemi Park Assist, Lane Departure Warning, Adaptive Cruise Control, Forward Collision Warning, Adaptive High Beam Control, Pedestrian Detector, Blind Spot Detection, Park Assist, Night Vision, Drowsiness Detection System.
Essere in grado di effettuare le procedure di diagnosi e ricerca guasti mediante l’ausilio dello strumento di diagnosi; saper interpretare la pagina degli errori, parametri, stati, attivazione e regolazioni.
8 ore (disponibile anche on-line)

Il modulo didattico, inoltre, permette di conoscere la posizione e le funzionalità delle tecnologie coinvolte: radar, camera multifunzione, sensori e attuatori, camera ad infrarossi, sensori a ultrasuoni.
Vengono presentati anche esempi pratici di calibrazione statica e dinamica, effettuando procedure di diagnosi e ricerca guasti mediante l’ausilio della strumentazione TEXA.
8 ore (disponibile anche on-line)
Customer Service
Team and technology at your service
* Verify the availability of SERVICER in your own country.

Software IDC5
Abbinamento perfetto con il software IDC5
Le soluzioni TEXA, devono essere utilizzate in combinazione con il software di diagnosi IDC5, permettendo di portare a termine velocemente tutte le operazioni.
L’applicativo, infatti, fornisce specifici help di diagnosi redatti per ciascuna marca/modello, con le istruzioni (come altezza da terra del pannello, distanza dal veicolo, allineamento, ecc.) per il corretto posizionamento della struttura, guidando passo-passo attraverso tutte le fasi di lavoro.
Al termine della taratura, inoltre, è possibile stampare un report da consegnare al cliente con l’evidenza delle operazioni effettuate.