A series of rigorous tests performed by the Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua has highlighted that, using the specific “Covid-19” programme in the AIR2 SAN app, the TEXA tool is 99.99% virucidal against SARS-Cov-2.
Further laboratory tests performed by the Department of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Ferrara have shown that AIR2 SAN is also virucidal against the human Coronavirus 229E. AIR2 SAN has proved to be highly bactericidal also against the Staphylococcus Aureus, Escherichia Coli and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa.
In Italy, ozone has been recognised as a natural device for the sterilisation of environments contaminated by bacteria, viruses, spores, etc. by the Ministry of Health with protocol no. 24482 dated 31 July 1996 and as a disinfecting agent in air and water processing with CNSA dated 27 October 2010. Ozone as antimicrobial agent and active substance for the sanitation of surfaces. http://www.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_pubblicazioni_1514_allegato.pdf
The recent report of the Italian Institute of Health ISS COVID-19 no. 25/2020 “Interim recommendations on cleaning and disinfection of non-healthcare settings during COVID-19 health emergency: surfaces, indoor environments and clothing. Version of May 15, 2020” confirms the use of ozone for the sanitation of environments, considering it effective against bacteria, viruses, etc.
Ozone generated in situ starting from oxygen is an active substance with a “biocidal” effect in review pursuant to BPR2 as a disinfectant for surfaces and drinking water and for use in the cooling towers of industrial plants. Even though the evaluation has not been completed, a wide data base is available that confirms its microbicidal effectiveness even against viruses.
The virucidal activity of ozone is rapidly performed after an ozonisation. As for many other products used for disinfection, there is no specific information on the effectiveness against the SARS-COV-2. On the other hand, there are various studies that support its virucidal effectiveness (Norovirus) in healthcare and non-healthcare settings. Even at low concentrations, with high humidity, ozone has a high disinfectant, virucidal effect in the air.
The International Ozone Association confirms that “ozone is highly effective for the inactivation of many viruses” (https://www.ioa-pag.org/resources/Documents/EOC%20Files/IOA%20Coronavirus%20Statement.pdf)
Based on a study reported in the Thailand Medical News, “ozone gas has been proven to kill the SARS coronavirus and since the structure of the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus is almost identical to that of the SARS coronavirus, it is relatively safe to say that it will also work on the new coronavirus”. It must be noted, though, that there are no studies to date, except one that is currently ongoing in China, at the Institute of Virology in Hubei.
• University of Naples “Federico II”
in-vitro tests on the inactivating power of nascent oxygen against pathogenic enterobacteria and absence of genetic mutations
• University of Udine – Department of Food Science, prot. 219/94
salmonella – listeria decontamination tests on flat surfaces of equipment used for meat processing
• University of Parma – Institute of Microbiology
verification tests of the sterilising properties on bacterial colonies of e. coli – s. aureus – ps. aeruginosa – s. durans
• Ministry of Health, Italian Institute of Health (ISS) – Department of Food, Nutrition and Veterinary Health, protocol no. 24482 dated 31/07/96
• 1976 EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
• 1982 IBWA International Bottled Water Association (USA)
• 1999 USDA Department of Agriculture (USA)
• 2001 FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA)
• 2002 NOP National Organic Program (USA)
• 2003 EFSA European Food Safety Authority (EU)
• 2012 BPR Biocidal Products Regulation (EU)
• 2018 ECHA European Chemicals Agency (EU), in the process of approval

The first study on ozone and Covid-19 took place in early June.
Nara Medical University and MBT Consortium confirmed the inactivation of the new coronavirus through exposure to ozone gas.
Established in 1945, Nara Medical University is a Faculty of Medicine in Japan. The two professors who guided the study are Toshikazu Yano, Director of Infectious Diseases, and Takashi Kasahara.
Thanks to their laboratories and equipment, the scientists were able to prove that, when exposed to the correct saturation of ozone for a proper period of time, the coronavirus is inactivated and no longer infectious.


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